SSKKbrev 9 - 12 september 2001 - Årgång 1 Officiellt nyhetsbrev från Sveriges Schackförbunds Korrschackkommitté Redaktör för SSKKbrev: jonas.dahlgren@schack.se 82. KATASTROFEN I USA Med anledning av den fruktansvärda händelse som inträffade i USA under gårdagen har ICCFs president Alan P. Borwell meddelat att inga drag ska utföras i korrespondensschackpartier under tiden 13 september - 19 september. Detta för att visa alla korrspelares djupa deltagande. SSKKs ordförande Per Söderberg har meddelat att SSKK ansluter sig till detta och att samtliga turneringar i SSKKs regi är spellediga 13/9-19/9. Här följer Alan P. Borwells brev: "Dear friends, The terrible and horrifying atrocity inflicted yesterday on the United States of America and many thousands of its citizens and international visitors, has had a traumatic impact on all civilised people and countries around the World. Our good friend, USA delegate Max Zavanelli's son works for Oppenheimer, which occupied five floors of the World Trade Centre but, thankfully, he was not in the building yesterday, but many of his colleagues may have perished. Our thoughts are with them and all CC friends of the USA - let us hope and pray that none of them have been killed or seriously injured. As a mark of respect and mourning for those who have been killed, injured and bereaved, all games in ICCF tournaments should be suspended from tomorrow 13th September until 19th September, a period of 7 days special leave is granted. It is recommended that no moves be transmitted during the period. All Tournament Offices should advise all TDs and ask them to advise all players by Email, wherever possible. A decision concerning the ICCF Congress, due to be held in Rimini, Italy, from 22nd to 29th September, will be taken this weekend, when the impact on travel etc. can be assessed in the aftermath of this tragedy. I will make an Announcement about it, probably on Sunday 16th September, on "iccf.com". With feelings of deepest sympathy for all those who suffered, Yours respectfully, Alan P.Borwell, |